Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It has been way to long since my last blog post and honestly could probably be another span of time before I get back to it. The past five days I have been staying with my parents and our family friends in a villa in Tuscany. Needless to say the wifi ability is slightly less than nil.

It was so great seeing my parents again. It was kind of luck that let our paths cross. They told me that they were going to be walking around a few blocks away from the academia at a certain time. They were not aware that there are four cardinal directions and a bunch of directions between those four. I had a possibly 16 or so blocks to roam around to find them. The first street I took to wander was serendipitous street. We met almost instantly and exchange loving hugs and kisses.

The three days we spent in Florence and wine country of Tuscany were filled with sight seeing and major shopping. When in rome, do as the romans. When in Florence, do as the romans, mostly because romans ruled them too at one point. Leather goods consumed our attention along with cashmere scarves and gelato. Let us just say my bag might be going back to Sardinia a little more full then when I started.
One of the toughest parts of the trip was driving around trying to find the towns that we had mapped out. The first part of the problem was “plans”. I am not sure who actually invented that word, but it seems to cause more trouble than helps. Italians try to warn you of that, but then dig it in when driving around. As you drive to a specific small town location there are signs everywhere. The signs are not like the United States where it says Roger st. or MLK Blvd. Instead it will give a large city in a direction. If you are trying to go to a itty bitty town of 200 people it will not be on any street signs or directions. Thus planning becomes difficult. The best way I could deal with it was to stick my head in my book and let the adults discuss and decide.
Wine. It has never been my favorite libation. When I go to a party I might bring root beer or juice boxes. The taste of anything with alcohol just makes my eyes squint, nose crinkle, and mouth make a rather attractive bitter look. My excitement for wine country was on par as if I were to get a coffee enema. It’s just not up my alley. Again my book became my best friend.

Moral of the story, if you cant read, sometimes the letters look like pictures and it looks like reading…

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