Saturday, March 12, 2011

3 Is A Crowd

The town of Bosa has return back to its normal quiet town once more. The thousands of visitors that came for carnivale have left and now only leave our population of 20. This gives me more room chances to analyze the Italian people in their natural habitat. I usually sit on the benches in the park and speak to myself in an Australian accent like I am observing wildlife. “CRIKEY, the alpha male is buying a gelato for what looks like a female in heat from another grazing area. This is the mating process among the teenagers of this species. In the bush we call it givin ‘er da old romp around.” What I noticed recently is that no Italians will attempt to walk anywhere alone. Conclusions could be reached to why this happens. 1. Body warmth in the winter. 2. They think that they are in a horror movie. Those that break from the group die first. 3. They enjoy peoples company. I am most tempted to claim number two as the winner, but other hints show that the third is the most viable option. People don’t use cell phones much here. The people they walk with don’t need to be texted each day the new lol or what happened last night. Italians love to talk, a lot. From hanging out with Silvia(a full blown Italian), she will get stuck in one spot for an hour talking about god knows what. I think there are only so many combination of words until conversations start repeating. Last clue, nothing else to do in Bosa during the winter. The town is as dull as a (insert your own dull object here) during winter so talking and walking is the next best option. I am just gonna have to conclude that this little social phenomenon is a part of the culture.

Moral of the story, Sex in the City is not for men.

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