Friday, March 11, 2011

The Fever...

My brush with death in the form of a fever left me learning some important life lessons. When one has all day to be in bed in pain and agony, the only thought that pass through the overheated brain is “WHY?”. The fact that I came up with so many different reasons only tells me that I was overdue a good fever. I got up the day after my run and was not feeling my best. A little light headed, eyes hurt, always cold, just overall blah. I pushed though and went to the Zipp residence to work anyway. As I get there Silvia looks at me and says “You are sick, your eyes have glass on them, lay down”. Only parents would know that glass forms on eyes when sick. The rest of the day I stayed right there on that couch and tried to sleep. Majority of the time I placed my scarf over my eyes because the light through my eye lids was still hurting my eyes. It was during my refuge inside my scarf that the first few thoughts of why came to me. “You ran 8 miles yesterday without building up to it, you are dumb.” And “you played thumbs wars with Nahima who had a fever right before eating, so dumb.” These probably are the “realistic” reasons why I might have gotten sick, but idle brains wander. 5 at night I was taken back to my house and I stayed in bed for another 18 hours without anyone or anything disturbing me. Between sweat outbreaks my brain started feeding me new material to think about. “This is payback for those times I pretended I was sick for mom so I could stay home and watch my favorite movie 20 times in a row”. Or “if I am sick now, then someone else in the world is getting over a horrible sickness and I am helping them…give it back to them…”, “I have used too much good karma, now it is time to even it out”.
The next day was a useless day of zombie walking and hourly naps. My fever had burnt itself out but my body was still feeling the aftermath. The real kicker though was the 2nd day after the fever. My whole body felt like pins when I used it. Each joint, each muscle, each organ just felt rusted over and was in need of a good oil up. With no jiffy lube around Kurt thought it would be good to make me use the sledge hammer to knock in some posts. This ended up being the worst idea possible. Each swing brought the pain. The sudden jolt of hitting something that sends vibrations through my body really brought the pain. My ego told me “WWJD, what would Jordan do? JUST DO IT!”

Moral of the story, if god gives you lemons, squirt it back in his eye and take his fruit basket.

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