Thursday, March 24, 2011

We Running This Town...

I recently was asked “Brian, you must be in excellent shape you are doing with all your running, right?” This is a complicated question with a complicated answer. I will try to make my answer as concise as possible. No. I guess it wasn’t that complicated. The last time I had a good run was the day after my birthday, which by my calendar was almost 20 days ago. In my defense I haven’t had a day off that was sunny since then. And I don’t like running. It is more the heavy distaste for running then anything. I have realized though that I am in need of physical activity along with the clipping of branches. The clipping of branches is a pretty fantastic workout for the hand though. I am gonna be able to give a iron gripped handshake soon.
Silvia has taken an interest in handstands. This is 100% up my alley. I even have plans in the next few days to construct a handstand apparatus for us to use. For me being upside down on my hands is as natural of a feeling as being “upright” on my feet. This will sure beat having to kill my knees with running.
The package I have been waiting for has come in the mail today. SLACK LINE. I am not sure how well my first attempt will go but I expect a horrible face plant that will most likely be captured on video and uploaded to YouTube before I get a bag of ice. Stay tuned for the next episode “Brian On A Rope”…

Moral of the story, body odor is the fragrance of forgetful people…

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