Monday, March 21, 2011

Get Your Swagger On...

Today was quite an eventful day. It was the day I got my swagger back and lost it in a flash. For quite a while I really felt the pressure of being the outsider in this town of Bosa. This morning though I woke up and just felt like a million bucks. The most judging glances couldn’t tear me down anymore. Intimidation was long gone and confidence was back in session. I was walking around in my dirty clothes, smelling like yesterdays work, bed hair going each and every way and had a smile on my face. Too cool to care at this point. After Michael, Kurt and I were done in town getting our morning drinks we took off to work. We have really gotten into a good groove of me initially cleaning a tree up, Kurt coming to make some big cuts, then Michael doing the fine pruning that only years of experience would be able to see. My job of cleaning entails me to clip off all little baby branches off the trunk and main branches. The middle of the tree we try to open up to sun light, so I timidly cut what I think would be a good few branches to be gone but leave the main cuts for Kurt. To do this it is imperative for me to climb trees all day to reach those reachable by giraffes only. There are some dangers to climbing into the trees. First there are ants that come out whenever one climbs on top of their nest. I have been bit a few times and retaliated appropriately with bad name calling and the shaking of the fist at them. Another danger are the leaves. Sure they seem indifferent to my presence, but the amount of times that they have attacked by sticking themselves in my nose, eye ear and mouth makes me believe differently. Last one that happened to me today is gravity. In the midst of being in a relatively tall tree I was doing some cuts and jamming out to my music. I slid my foot thinking there was a branch that would grow there for me to place my weight on. Instead my foot slid off completely and I lost my balance and fell back in slow motion. As I fell back I spread my body in all directions. I hear that wind resistance will decrease my velocity, even if only a couple yards off the ground. Don’t worry though, the stump of the tree caught by right butt cheek as 3 of my limbs somehow got caught on other tree limbs. I felt distorted like a Picasso painting. A little blood and butt rubbing later I was back in the tree clipping and saying goodbye to my swagger.

Moral of the story, GO ARIZONA WILDCATS…

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