Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love Lost...

To be bitten by the bitter bug that is love. Orlando has swooned and been swooned by one of his female classmates. This 13 year old man acted upon his feelings with a one Christina.  For a whole 2 weeks he had a companion to share his hopes and dreams with. Stolen glances and “accidental” brushes upon each other were no longer longings of desire. Orlando reached inside and pulled out his inner Casanova and with all his charisma and suave he swept this young temptress off of her feet. It wasn’t until recently that Orlando felt the sting only a woman can inflict. His heart scarred forever with the deep wound that all first loves leave. I am sure he is thinking back on all the fond memories that they shared over the 14 days that seemed to be their eternity. With all of his sorrow he confided in his mother how his relationship had come to the tragedy of love worthy or Romeo and Juliet. After his heart felt words I asked Silvia to explain exactly what would leave Orlando to be broken into the pieces that she had obviously shattered. Silvia told me that they were in a relationship from texting each other and talking on facebook. From the information I gathered stolen glances never happened. Passionate kisses or hand holding was not a part of their relationship.
I am not really sure what to make of what the world is coming to. Texting and facebook has replaced much of the personal touch that humans use to desire. I am sure that this is not an isolated case here in Sardinia. I am not going to quit my facebook or stop emailing or texting, but from now on I plan on trying to make physical connections with people instead of the connections that the web makes. Electronics have their place in the world, but it has in many cases regressed our human race.

Moral of the story, it’s not a real hug unless it lasts 10 seconds…

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