Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Upside Down And Inside Out...

The weather is changing here in Bosa. When I got here each morning when we were picked up and each night when we were dropped off it was cold enough that a jacket was needed. With the exception of today the weather has drastically changed to be just below perfect. Walking out in the morning in a long sleeve shirt and a slight brisk coolness kissing the cheeks(on the face). After morning tea it is already warm enough out to start disrobing. I have yet to be comfortable enough to express my true nature in the form of nakedness, still too cold for that… Silvia says that in the next few weeks it will be our first chance to take the first “bath”. I never really noticed her smell before, but if she hasn’t had a bath since I have got here then someone needs to give her a lesson in hygiene. She actually does clean herself, but she was referring to take a dip in the ocean. The last time I was there it was pretty cold and made hairs grow when I stuck my little toe in. It will still be cold, but the sun will be giving off more radiation to warm us after we get out of the water I guess. What I am really trying to convince Michael of is to construct the slack line over the ocean so that we can try to walk across and then if we fall you freeze to death. SILVIA YOUR UP FIRST. The most exciting thing about summer at the beach is that the Zipp family knows where the cliff diving and rock jumping areas are. When I dove off of water falls in Switzerland it left a void in me that can only be filled by more jumping. I also can’t wait to practice my front and back flips. I just know once I am not going to turn all the way and there will be a belly flop. That will mark the end of flipping off of rocks and mark the start of me crying.

Moral of the story, water isn’t as soft as you might hope when you are free falling.

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