Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lesson Learned

Good news and bad news. Good news is that I am quickly picking up more Italian so I understand it better now. The speaking is still a bit on the rough side. But now I am picking up little words that make sentences complete. The glue if you will. Bad news is that I have only learned what the parents talk about to their children. Each day we all have the same routine and the kids get rambunctious each day. When the shenanigans start, mommy and daddy start using their words. And these words I now understand. “Come here”, “go to bed”, ”brush your teeth”, “don’t put that in your mouth”, “STOP” are just some of the regular phrases used each night. But if I were to give them justice, I would write them like Yoda speaks do to the crazy sentence structure people who are in Italy use. So “your mouth in don’t that put.” There we go… It was when I was sick that I realized I am never going to get anywhere without learning more than just the parenting basics. My fever partner Nahima decided to bring out her school books and tutor me 1 on 1. I had graduated from level 2 and now she was taking me through her next level. I had a hard time coloring inside the lines and understanding the concept of sharing, but the rest of level 2 was easy. If level 3 is any harder they might need to hold me back. Practicing new Italian words will be an everyday activity…I hope…

Moral of the story, no one looks smart doing a tongue twister…

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