Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Spoontino. I am not sure if that is the correct spelling of the word but I found out what it means on Saturday. After work we headed home to clean up and get ready for some kind of fiesta. A shower and a drive later we were at a neighbors olive orchard walking up to his house. Quick side note, it would seem that every place in Bosa is up a hill. If you go up a hill chances are you will have to go up another hill just to get back to where you came from. I feel like it is the old saying “I used to walk 10 miles in the snow to school every day uphill both ways.” Bosa somehow makes that possible. We arrive to the peak and we are warmly greeted by a large group of well spirited people. By spirited I mean they had delved into the spirits of wine already and gave many of the kisses. I have been mostly familiar with females giving me kisses on the cheek before, so it was somewhat an awkward experience when I got one from a couple of the natives. I wasn’t quite sure how to react when they shook hands then pulled in, closed eyes, puckered lips. If they were going for my trap I dodge a bullet but still left me wondering where I was. Immediately Kurt and I put together the Slack Line and the people came. I felt like Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come” but it was actually “if you build a line out of rope, people will walk on it”. Eventually the purpose for our visit had appeared. The host had slaughtered one of his sheep and cooked nearly the whole thing for us to eat. As they were cooking people were sitting around a large table made of scrap wood and blocks talking and laughing back and forth. Imagine any Italian movie where a foreigner goes to visit a family dinner and that is where I was. There was some English that was spoken like “you like cheese?”, “you like wine?”, “you play guitar?”. After dinner was served 2 guitars a banjo and a drum came out. I couldn’t believe how good these guys played together. The first song they sang it seemed like the guy was just coming up with lyrics off the top of his head. I was very impressed. I gave a standing ovation alone. The next song came and it was right then that I found out that 1. the chords that the three guys were playing were exactly the same for the next two hours 2. he was playing pop songs that everyone knew so it was a little less impressive 3. He made the dogs bark at his voice so it must not have been good for their ears.
The night time was quickly approaching and Michael and Silvia was telling the kids that they were going to be leaving soon. Nahima was even sitting there in a chair crying out of tiredness. She would just yell out “MOOOOOOM” with tears in her eyes. Silvia would turn around and say “soon”. I felt their pain, if I was her age I would be creating a big fuss as well. The only reason I didn’t was because I am “grown up” even though all I wanted to do was say “I WANNNNNA GOOOO”. 7 hours at a spoontino is a bit of a day.

Moral of the story, if 1 door opens so do 10 others. Which do you pick???

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