Monday, March 14, 2011

Come On Now...

I am not sure if you readers are aware of this, but I am not a wizard when it comes to correct grammar. When you are over the shock of this please continue reading… Like I said, I am not a wordsmith, but I sure get upset when other people, you are naturally born American, corrupt their sentences with specific words. I am not going to name any names, but a specific American that I am living with is doing this and is sending me right off of my rocker. First I must say that Australians can get away with this because they are just so darn cute, like a teddy bear. Canadians also have a free pass to do this, cause they’re Canadians. But other than that, most people should not be using “eh” for every sentence blurted out. This non specific American will say things like “I think there should be a cup of coffee on the stove…(pause, pause, pause) EH?” Nearly each time he says it I mentally squeeze a lemon in my eyes. Are you asking a question or giving a statement? Go get your Canadian citizenship and come talk to me…
The roommate has developed something new to say that makes no sense either. He didn’t gradually build up to this habit, it all kind of happened in a flurry and hasn’t stopped since. The word “yet” seems like such a peaceful yet bold word that has a demanding presence. Though when used wrong can seem like it and the person involved has developed a case of turrets. It was on Thursday that he said “is it Thursday yet!” Ok lets think of this… he was well aware of the day and said stated it was Thursday in question form. No jeopardy here. If he had forgot to use certain inflection in his voice to make it a question there is no need for the yet. Yes I know “yet” can be substituted for “still”, but in this case, it just makes someone sound ignorant.
I am sorry for the person blasting post about this, I had to share it to get it off my chest.

Moral of the story, When you need to get something off your chest, start with taking your shirt off…

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