Thursday, March 17, 2011

I've Gotta A Feelin

Today was a sensory overload for all 6 of my senses. Yea I have a 6th sense and it was buzzing like Spiderman. But let me paint you a picture of what was so mind blowing to me that it was worthy enough to write a blog post about it. I guess I am not too picky when it comes to what I write about. I wrote a post about not being able to walk on wet rocks around the city, but you catch my drift.
After lunch I was on duty to drag and burn. Michael was pruning his last few trees on his land. The day had been very windy yet slightly warm. I don’t know if there is anything that feels so nice then a slightly warm wind that just whizzes past you and flutters your hair in the wind. If you are bald I am sorry. Almost as soon as I got my inner caveman coming out to create fire it started to rain. The rain drops were sound worthy. They were big enough for making “Plop” sounds on every surface. This was the peak of my blowing of the mind. All at once I was getting a warm wind from one angle, cooling plopped rain drops from another side, and a raging fire burning furiously in front of me. If that wasn’t enough to make me wonder what dimension I was in, the smell of burning olive trees with that sweet smell of rain on fresh dirt was throwing me for a loop. Finally I was watching the rain through the sun’s light that was glowing brilliantly over the ocean. All while I am trying to Glee this moment coming up with songs that go along with my situation. The best I could think of was CCR “have you ever seen the rain coming down on a sunny day”, Bob Segar “against the wind”, James Taylor “I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain”. My shovel became my microphone and the dogs my audience. It truly was a magnificent feeling I had that day.

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