Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I am sorry for my inconsistency with my latest blog posting. For the last few days I have been doing quite a bit that is worthy to write about but just couldn’t find the time to sit down and write a Brian worthy blog post.
I hit the trifecta yesterday. I wish I was talking about basketball because I have been itching to get back into playing. Nope, the trifecta is the 3 fun sicknesses. First I was not doing well with a cold that made my eyes pop out the sockets. Early march near my birthday I was incapacitated by a fever that reminded me why I don’t like fevers. Today though, my stomach decided that the virus going around would be a good candidate for keeping things interesting. I woke up this morning like I do any morning. Put my corn flakes and pineapple juice down the hatch and went to work. It wasn’t until we were half way through pruning that I started feeling a bit funny. Not funny like “how do you catch a unique rabbit? Unique up on it!”(I deliver it better in person). Mr. stomach was doing some flips and turns that dropped me to my knees and said “Oh no I don’t feel to swell”. Yes I did use the word swell, I am bringing it back. I still had two hours of work to push through before we were finished for the day. I was not a happy panda at all. We finally get home and I have only 2 feelings. I will not go into detail, but they involve relieving pressure in my stomach and intestines.  In the midst of blowing chunks all I could think of was how much I miss my mom holding my head back like a pez dispenser to allow easy flow. I really don’t understand what it is that has made my immune system go from awesome to on holiday.

Moral of the story, eat your vitamin C.

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