Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just Dive Into It...

Fun rolled on after our experience at the spoontino. Sunday was our day off along with the hottest and nicest day we have had since I got there. As result we met up with a few people from the fiesta the day before at the ocean for a primitive BBQ. With swim trunks on and towel on shoulder I was excited to get to experience once again what the Mediterranean waters would offer me. The last time I took a dip in the waters were in the greek islands and it was beautiful. As we parked we did our 10 minutes walk to a hidden location only known by locals. The beach was actually a slew of medium to small sized rocks. Yes, barefoot in rocks is not as enjoyable as beach sand that pampers your pups. This wasn’t going to take away the fact that I was soaking up the sun and going to be hopping in that crystal blue water. After the greetings and cheek kisses I departed with the kids to the deep end of the rocks where it is safe to cliff jump. Something told me “Brian, feel the water, you have been sick already, you don’t want to get sick again do you?” you see how well I listen. I actually did feel the water, but everyone knows that the toe or finger test is not a realistic test to tell how the rest of your body will fair against the cold. Take the temperature of cold water with your finger and subtract it by 20 degrees and you are in the range you should expect. After I did my false litmus test I got ready for my dive. Orlando went head first off the medium size jump. It seemed that as he hit the water he was out of the water just as quickly. Can’t be that cold, I touched it with my finger. I was at one of the higher jumps in the area. Took a couple steps back and got my wheels revving like they did in old cartoons. Jolting forward I planted my left foot, jumped, throwing my hands in front of my head and going head first just as Orlando did. As my foot left the rocks I immediately regretted my decision to dive. I have never been one to let my head explore something that I have never explored before. At this moment it was a moot point. I had to go all out or take a nasty belly flop that would most likely leave me hospitalized and not ever having kids. Luckily for me water moved away as I hit it so I didn’t hurt too much. It could have been a little kinder with its temperature though. I understood very well how Orlando felt as he touched the water. Daggers, fire, ice, pain, headache, no breathe, goose pimples. Needless to say I got ready for round two. This time I wanted proof of this happening. Orlando took the camera and we did this again. His timing was a bit off to the point I was always in the water when he took it. If I had to guess how many times I had to jump off the rocks I would say 20 times to take a good shot. By that time I was numb and feeling didn’t affect me anymore.
The rest of the day was full of eating, soccer and wine. 6 hours later we drove home in smiles.

Moral of the story, SMILE!!!

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