Friday, April 1, 2011

The Boys Are Back In Town…

Yesterday Silvia took the kids on a plane ride to go see their mother in Torino. I don’t know exactly where that is on a map, but I do know that the house now only has 3 men in it. It is now my belief that around the world when the opposite sex is not present the first thing to do is order a pizza. For dinner and lunch laziness had consumed us and decided a half assed cook was going to be better than getting milk for cereal. I am not sure if there will actually be work done for the three days or if we will just watch soccer games, nap and have sailor talk.
At the end of the 3 day vacation it will be time to go to Norway. One report I read a couple weeks ago was that it was 7 degrees Celsius there another said that they had a meter of snow. I am not sure what is gonna be going on there, but I know I am gonna probably see at least 3 movies just to stay warm in the theatre.

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