Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Purple Nurple...

I am not a member of the fashion police, neither would i assume the position of such a high praised job. I am not terribly fashionable relative to the rest of the world. Maybe inside of my personal family I have a greater desire for a nice arrangement of matched clothing, but this does not give me the right to judge others on what they wear, but I will anyway. Since I have been away from the celebrity gossip and big city style it is entirely possible that in the 3 months I have been gone that a new color has emerge as the primary color of choice among humans. About a month ago the trio of trouble makers which consists of Michael, Kurt, and I were at the hardware shop picking up some things. I had no need to be inside since my knowledge of screw size and strength are limited to just being able to drill. Instead I took part in a favorite past time, people watching. Not many people were out, but enough to keep me from going inside and standing around like I knew what they were talking about. Something peculiar caught my gaze in the distance. A young lad wearing a coat that looked like a bunch of marshmallows that was dark purple matched with black pants. I thought, hmm, that is not a usual color scheme. Not 2 minutes later I saw an old lady wearing the same exact thing. The obvious conclusion that I made was that they were related and he received color blindness just like his grandmother. I was wrong. As time passed the color purple was slowly flooding the streets of Bosa. I couldn’t comprehend what the heck was going on. Was I so out of the loop that I didn’t realize that purple was the pink? I am not so silly to say that I will never buy something purple, but I don’t think I can pull it off. As weird as I thought it looked, it kind of works due to the dark hair, dark tan, dark pants. I got nothing but light, lighter, and ohh my god is he shining. We will see how my fashion is altered due to some trends flowing through this small town.

Moral of the story, being too cool to care has one main factor that must be true, you gotta be too cool.

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