Sunday, April 17, 2011

Masticating, One Bite At A Time...

I have met my match. Prior to this trip i thought my metabolism was something of glory and praise. I could eat a whole pizza 7 nights in a row and still be able to get away without it affecting me in the slightest. Other factors might be involved in my ability to stay in relatively swell shape; playing tons of basketball, volleyball, lifting weights, tag, marco polo in the pool. My metabolism was in a constant state of digestion to appease the energy that was needed to be sacrificed to stay active.
Though I work a few hours a day outside, the amount of food that has been portioned to me the past few months has outnumbered my calorie burning. I am not saying I grew a bit of a belly, but I am not saying I didn’t. I am not sure what I am saying if those are the only two options available, but I can tell that my body has taken a different form. In one week from this day I will be stepping foot in Barcelona, Spain. I am not sure if I will be able to pull off a miracle but I have started with baby steps. Recently I have taken less on my plate and have not taken seconds, eating slower and not inhaling my food, and beverage of choice is some crispy cool water. This is going to be step one into getting back into shape for beach weather in Spain. Let’s hope that I can run around enough to get my metabolism unrusted and back to top level.

Moral of the story, it is easier to maintain then fight back…

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