Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mo Money, Mo Problems...

Many different things have caught my gaze as I have toured the city of Oslo. I am not quite sure that I was able to really get a feeling for the culture that Norwegians have. Which is funny because according to most people here, I am a local. I don’t know what gave them that idea. Sure I have the blue eyes and blonde hair, but don’t they see I have a tan? People here are ghost white. On lucky days they get to feel a little bit of sun pour through the mist of fogs. From my experience a lack of sun can only lead to depression. My roommate in the hostel told me that Norway, with its 4 million inhabitants, is number one in Europe for suicides. I am just gonna go out on a limb and say the lack of sun has a little to do with that.
Something else that quickly caught my attention and made me change my mind set on how I would spend my time in Norway was the currency exchange. When I was in Thailand with Carlyn we would spend 100 Baht on a full meal and it would include appetizer, drink, meal, and dessert. We chuckled at it because it actually cost us only about 3 dollars for such a large amazing amount of food. Well here in Norway I bought a drink and a kebab for 100 Kroner. Of course I bought this before I even knew what I was doing with my money. I ate the kebab, drank my drink and head back home to do a little math. When all was said and done my lunch put a whole in my plastic card worth 16 US dollars. It was that day that I decided I wouldn’t not eat again for the rest of the trip. When 5 kroner equals 1 dollar and even McDonalds cheap menu is 20 Kroner, I knew that I had no hope. This even made me re-evaluate my trip decision.

Moral of the story, do the math…

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