Saturday, April 9, 2011

Grade Check...

Things were back to normal on the Zipp farm. My first official day back and we have started a new project with clearing out a space that will be dedicated for hosting the spoontinos(BBQs). Before we entered the area it was over grown with cacti and tree nonsense. The stone wall was crumbling and the ground was uneven with debris everywhere. After demolition of the cacti and some nice pruning I had the honor of building the wall up. We have quite a bit to clean up in the next couple days, but it will look like a beautiful summer oasis for Italian mingling. A few setbacks made sir Michael a frustrated panda. And no one likes frustrated pandas. The sledge hammer, pick, and small hammer all broke off of their wooden sticks nearly 20 minutes within each other. Also, we are borrowing a car that was sitting in the sun tanning for a year. We had to get a fuel filter replaced to make it run smoothly. At the moment it sounds like it will blow up around gear 2. Michael was getting flustered by the mechanic that would give him a part that wouldn’t fit. He would try to return it, but it was siesta(nap time). Then he got the correct part but needed a certain lubricant to make it work properly. All this running up and down and broken tools was turning Michael red with frustration. Everything turned out alright though. The tools we fixed, the car is running, and his color is back to normal german white.
Fooled ya…his color had gone back to normal but quickly went back to red when his wife went to a parent conference. I dreaded this day like no other when I was in school. Most the time I would get the exact same thing said by every teacher. “He is a good kid, talks a little too much, and could work harder”. All things were true, but man it would eventually turn into a report card and that was when WWIII would happen. Michael experienced this with Orlando today after he got his report back that he doesn’t do anything and will probably have to stay back a year. I could tell that there was a huge discussion(fight) that went on because Orlando was careful not to be a pill at the dinner table. He ate his salad and didn’t make any jokes to be noticed. I pulled the same move…

Moral of the story, if you do your work, then you can make jokes…

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