Thursday, April 21, 2011

Language Of The World...

In movies when you see an American talking to a foreigner, what do you picture? I see someone speaking loudly, very slow, and with over dramatic pronunciation. I am always super embarrassed when I watch it happen. The people talk to foreigners similar to how they talk to babies. When traveling around South East Asia Carlyn had a tendency to take part in this. She would try to ask something about hotels or food on a menu and get American. When they didn’t understand, her frustration peaked and I was assigned to deal with it. Luckily I am fluent in the universal language of pointing to objects and getting what needs done. I am getting to a point that matters to my current trip, read on.
At home I don’t think I am considered an extremely fast talker. Sure I listen to that horrible rap music, but my thoughts do not form in my head until I have already started my sentence. I actually consider myself pretty slow when it comes to conversing with other humanoids. I have been accused though of being soft spoken. My words are light on the tongue but heavy on the soul(that is deep). Next paragraph brings it all full circle.
For the last few months since I have been in Bosa I have had a little annoying thing happen to me each day. It is like a gnat that plays around your ears. It doesn’t really matter, but it just kinda gets to you after 3 months of living with it each day for 5 hours of work a day. If you were not sure, the gnat is not a gnat, it is a person. I love Michael dearly, but I something he does, or doesn’t do, gets on me enough to write about it. Whenever I say something to Michael he says “ehh?” or “what?”. Both pretty common things said in the English language. I am not sure if Michael has to adjust his ears to the frequency of my voice so that when I repeat myself he can understand, but it is everything I say that he questions. It isn’t that English isn’t his 3rd or 4th language because Kurt can speak to him with no problem. So I wrote the above part to question what the heck is wrong with my speech that Michael needs an echo to comprehend it?

Moral of the story, just answer the last question please…

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