Monday, April 4, 2011

I Took A Wrong Turn In Albuquerque...

I am about to leave to Norway on this day and I am getting a little antsy. I haven’t done the traveling thing for a bit of time now and each first experience after a lull is a bit rusty. Luckily I have everything taken care of. My 10 euro flight to Oslo checked in, hostel booked, warm clothes packed. To book my hostel I used As a feature, they send you directions that were written out by the hostel to get easy access to their hostel. It is debatable depending on who you talk to(my mom), but I am pretty good about taking directions. I would say 95% of my travels were a success when trying to get to my hostel(damn you Salzburg, there was no bus 5). Well I took a look at the directions that they sent me today. To describe it best, I would say that the writer was either ADD or addicted to caffeine in a huge way. “get from the airport, center of town, bus 17, if you take a car then go down SJKNSDJNKDF street, but also from airport look for the homeless man, give him bread he wont pee on you…keep going…” I have noticed on other directions I have had to take that I had to be extremely perceptive. You know how in detective or spy movies how the hero somehow finds a clue to where he/she needs to go just by looking at a random sign that has the exact info that they need. A lot of what traveling is being able to find those clues and hoping for the best. If I feel like I am in the right spot, sometimes I just stand there frozen, take in my environment for a couple minutes and make my move. The people passing by most likely wonder if I am a posing street performer or caught a serious case of open eyed narcolepsy. I am a little skeptical about how I will fair in Oslo with these directions, but worst comes to worst Kurt has taught me to make fires out of nothing.

Moral of the story, there aren’t that many sardines in Sardinia…Weird…

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