Friday, April 22, 2011

Clean Up, Get Out...

Friday is a day for packing and a day for solemn goodbyes. Instead of work I was detailed to stay home and clean the house from top to bottom. Michael is having a couple move into my room the day after I leave. He didn’t waste any time replacing me. It is up to me to clean my room. This is never a fun job. I also didn’t exactly help myself over the past month in keeping it in tip top shape so it would be an easier job later. I don’t think I ever emptied my trash, I swept the floors once I think, what is dusting? My laziness even went as far as my laundry. Yes I did my laundry, but when it was dry I would throw it to the other side of the bed instead of putting it away. I just figured I was going to wear it soon anyway, why put it away. That bit me in the butt when clothes were everywhere and I needed to pack it up. Most everything got pretty clean after trash was gone and everything was vacuumed. The last thing I was dreading to do was the bathroom. I am not going to give details of what it looks like or what is involved in cleaning it. Just be happy yours smells and looks better than mine.
Tonight is my last meal with the family until I get back in a month. Silvia is cooking something special for me. Not sure what it is, but I am pretty sure I will like it. After this I will be back on TTD(The Travelers Diet) eating bread and drinking water. Back to looking at train schedules and “stressing” over where I will sleep next. I love living here, but I think it is time to take a little break. The traveling bug is hitting just in time…
Moral of the story, if you don’t go to the bathroom, you don’t have to clean it…

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