Monday, April 11, 2011

St. Michael...

I feel like I have given most things in Bosa a fair analysis. But it occurred to me that Michael has not been put under the microscope like Silvia and the kids have. Since I work with Michael everyday this seems rather appalling that his character and quarks have not been plastered on the web.
Over time working with Michael, he eventually divulges all the stories of his life. This man has had quite an existence here on earth. Growing up in Germany he eventually joined the army for a brief stint. In his early 20’s he lived in the red light district of Amsterdam. While there he was friends with all the local working girls on that area and also took part in the shows that are offered in such areas. As he grew older he pursued a different avenue of enlightenment. He went to southern Spain and lived in a cave in solitude for a whole year. Using only what skills he had learned to capture food, he survived as a anarchist against the evil governments of this world. He told a story of him staring down a tiger from across the river and that he felt like he was moments from death. After his year was completed he left to India where he became a monk and met Silvia. Of course there are stories in between the general over view I just gave, but still the story is pretty amazing. But I guess one of the most distinguishing character traits is his response to the simplest of questions. I will be in the back seat of his truck dazing off and kinda wake up and ask “where are we?”. Without a skip of a beat he will respond with “isn’t that what we all want to know about life”. One that I remember quite vividly is my question to him about work that day “we are gonna have to keep going up and down the hill, huh?”, “This is life, always going up and down, up and down”. You are right Michael but I really am curious about this situation. I have learned that the only way to get around his mysterious answers is to ask super specific yes and no questions. “Michael, are we going to the store to pick up a loaf of bread and cat food?”. Try to get philosophical with that little gem of a question.
His anarchist ways has left him pretty skeptical of the world at large. Conspiracies of the big organizations, music icons like Lady Gaga, future, technology, facebook, they have all felt the wrath of Michaels word venom. I love Michael, he is a good father and husband as well as a great friend to both Kurt and I.

Moral of the story, when you cant think what to write, you write that you can think of anything to write.

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