Saturday, April 16, 2011

Take A Walk On The Wild Side...

It’s been long overdue for me to write about one of the most fun days I have had since i have come to Bosa. A week ago we had a day off so sir Michael planned a day trip for his family and us to go to a special place. We got ready for a water day and found out Orlando didn’t tell his parents about a math and science test he had to study for. Needless to say, he stayed home and Silvia stayed as well to keep him on task. Facebook is a good distraction from work. I saw a fake news cast once by Onion News. It said something like “the internet went down nationwide today, productivity increased 500%.” That is probably pretty close to true.
Michael, Nahima, Kurt and I took off around noon for our special destination. After getting a few nice lunch sandwiches and a drive along the coast we arrived. We had to do a little 15 minute hike through a super over grown path. I have done some hikes in my life, mostly in Tucson. I was noticing some of the differences from the locations. In Tucson if you walk down a path and a branch or other form of vegetation is blocking the path than you have to either go around or go back. Chances are it has spines, poison, toxins, dangerous bugs, or all of the above. In Sardinia you could walk all the way through a bush and it will feel like the plant is kissing you with its leaves and saying thank you for stepping on it and breaking some of its branches.
After our 15 minute walk we arrived to a small beach. To the left was sheer rock walls and to the right were giant boulders that lead to who knows where. Excitement grew in my mind that we were going to get to go bouldering and just jump from right to rock with slight chance of danger. When we got to an open area around the bounders we got to look around. It was so beautiful. Going from lush green plants to nothing but stone and water pools was quite a site. These pools ranged from a size of a basketball to the size of a basketball court. As deep as a toe or as deep as my whole body. The water everywhere was clear as day. One time as I was passing by a pool I actually saw a squid swimming around. I kept my distance of course because I have seen that they can take down fierce predators like sharks. Sure this was the size of both of my fists, but who knows???
The entire time we were hiking around on the rocks I felt l like a little kid in a candy store. I would try to find jumps between rocks that would test my jumping abilities. When we got to where Nahima couldn’t jump anymore we stopped for lunch and a swim. The pools were cold but really fun to go into. The big fun was cliff jumping. Kurt did this more than I did. We would find jump that just got higher and higher. I lost my fear of jumping off of tall areas into water when I was in Switzerland a couple years ago. We just had to watch out that we don’t step on the sea urchins. Those are some nasty little animals with spikes heading in every direction possible.
After 5 hours in the sun we headed home and had some of Silvia’s wonderful dinner. Grrrrrreat day.

Moral of the story, adrenaline and jumping height have no correlation…

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