Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ugly Duckling...

I believe that Norway is waiting to be butt of many blond jokes. As I was on the plane, I looked around the public sitting around me and apart from some grey haired piers everyone was blond. I knew I was going to be entering a different world when I tried to listen to what people were saying and I couldn’t understand a single word. I got off the plane at 8 at night and made my way to the information desk to get information on how to get to Oslo city center. She told me I had to wait for an hour for the next bus and from there I take a train and I would be there. I sat down, pulled out my computer and got to blogging. Out of the pit of the baggage claim came two confused young men that B-lined right for me. They started asking me questions about where I was going, where I was staying and if they could tag along. I took the little ducklings under my wing. As I said previously, the directions were quite confusing, but I had to protect these confused and wide eyed children and bring them to safety. My paternal attitude shown through and we found our way through to the hostel of my booking choice. It was midnight by that time, so it was time for bed. Good Night...

Moral of the story, if someone asks for your help, make sure to make them feel insignificant. 

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