Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sad Days...

The sky was scorched with melancholy and tears fell from the sky on the day of my departure. A solemn aura surrounded the town as if it were have a moment of silence in respect to their long visitor. Over the four months I have resided in Bosa, I have been able to see many of the locals and even friended a fair share of them. The 23rd was the final countdown for my initial goodbye. I will be back in late may to resume a bit of work on their farm, but it was still a bitter Italian meat ball I/we had to swallow.
For my last meal Silvia decided to play a joke on me. Early in my work with them she created a soup dish that was very tasty but I was skeptical before I took a bite. The substance staring back at me was a sewer green with some chunks of who knows what. I guess when I asked “what is this?” I didn’t hide the ewww look on my face. Since then I have been taunted severally for not liking such a tasty dish. Silvia’s sense of humor presented itself when I came for lunch and at my place at the table was the GREEN SOUP. I laughed out loud and scarfed that soup down with a furious passion. Each bite was worthy of a moan and groan. After lunch Nahima offered me a chance to beat her in a game of chess. I am not a pro, or even good, but I am afraid that I might have been a little too hard on the 8 year old. We played 2 games and each one we played I lost only 2 pieces while she lost all but her king. What can I say, I get competitive. My last task at hand was to write in a Helpers Journal that they bought that day. After I wrote a heartfelt paragraph about how wonderful they were to me and how I am a part of the family now I was off to the bus.
Earlier that day my intentions to plan ahead bit me in the butt. I looked at a couple different time tables to take me to Alghero airport. The safest time to go at was 3:40. That will teach me to research before I make a move. The bus was to arrive at 4:40 and was still 20 minutes late. Let me remind you, it was raining out. And when it rains, it pours. And when it pours, the hurricane is on the way. Everything on my person was dripping wet. I did what I could to protect the just recently laundered clothes that were happy being dry. I am now sitting in the Alghero airport for 4 hours until my flight departs. There will be 1. Blogs written 2. Naps taken 3. Solitaire played. With all my experience in waiting in terminals, I still haven’t found my go to thing to keep me occupied. People watching only goes so far…

Moral of the story, weather can be interpreted however you want to appease your ego…

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