Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Run...

The day after my birthday I decided to do something I hate doing. Running. I cannot see the fun in releasing so much energy without a specific purpose like in a sport. 9:00 I left my house for the beach. The body, I think likes to play a joke on my brain sometimes. Then part way though realizes what a bad joke it is playing. The legs try to move but they feel heavy, the throat breathes in and out flem instead of oxygen, and no matter how fast I try to run it will be slower than an old lady with a walking cane. I ran for what felt like 30 minutes to get to my destination. If I was at all confused about the season or temperature of the water, taking a nice look at the naked beach quickly informed me. Without a sole on the beach but me, I was able to walk around shirtless without having self conscience feelings overwhelm me. After a quick stretch my ego told me I could reach the next beach which was only about 10 minutes away. “Eye Of The Tiger” came on and I was off in a slow hurry. I am not quite sure what is so special about a tiger eye. Is it different then a lion eye or house cat eye? But if rocky can get beaten to a pulp and still come out on top, then I too can run my body to a pulp. Ten minutes later I was at a beach area shared with two other fishermen. As I got their I was greeted by one man with him whipping out and peeing in my direction. I was going to reciprocate the gesture, but I thought he might have just had to drain himself. I sat on the beach and stretched a bit deeper and longer. Half an hour passed of me getting the overwhelming foreboding terror that awaited me. The Return Run.
It wasn’t so much a struggle this time around. My body learned its lesson not to play jokes on itself. I got back safe and sound at around 11 during the morning and felt great. I figured I ran about 8 miles total that day. For those who want to try to run a marathon without practicing, don’t do it. I know what I ran wasn’t a marathon, but it wasn’t around the block twice either. The rest of the day I was completely drained of energy. This leads me to my next chapter…The Fever…

Moral of the story, if you talk to a mirror, you are still talking to yourself.

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