Saturday, January 29, 2011

All Good Things Must Come To An End

A strong theme that occurs through my travels are the people. I have mentioned a couple times the importance of meeting people from around the world and connecting no matter race, country, political preference. Each person has a story to tell and something to teach me. I just wish I could give back what so many have given me on my travels. 

So far I have met 6 life changing people that I hope will stay in my life for my eternity. Jen, Alex, Paul and the wonderful Liz really had a big impact on me when I was in London. Then this trip to Hiedelberg, I found great caring friends in Patrick, Lea, and Jana. I had roommates that I have always longed for and great times that will not fade with time. When they dropped me off at the bus station I really felt like I was leaving a home I had created. 
I show redundancy only due to the fact that it is that important to me. If someone were to ask why I am traveling. My typical answer is to see what the world has out there. But for me, the connections with people is what is out there. Don't get me wrong, seeing the leaning tower of Pisa is pretty special, but sharing the moments make that moment magic.

As homework, go meet someone today, spend 24 hours together exploring with the sole purpose of getting to know them. Who knows, they might become your best friend. 

Thanks to everyone I met and those who support me on my travels!!!

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