Sunday, January 23, 2011


After the musical chair train ride, i found myself in Heidelberg. Truthfully, I would have never thought of going here, but I was meeting a friend that I had met in Athens a year and a half earlier. This town is absolutely beautiful. Small town feel, older styled buildings that are very well maintained, and a monsterous castle that overlooks the city. The first day there I was introduced to his roommates which are wonderful hosts and extremely great musicians. After a few drinks, I am pretty sure I was equal to Elvis as well. 5 hours dinner, 2 bottles of wine and a bottle of rum later, my friend Patrick and I decided, at 1:30 in the morning, to go dancing. Before I mention anything else, Patrick is German, but he also is Spanish. Since the discotecka was not close, we took a tour of the salsa club. At first I was just grooving with myself, but due to Patricks connections with the Spanish world, he had Chilean women dancing with me. I had a great time and the women were fantastic and taught me a thing or to about the moves. The first woman was in her forties with her husband leaning against the wall starring. I usually dont get intimidated by 5'3 men, but when a wife is involved and sexy dancing, lets just say i make room for jesus. The second dancing partner I was offered was a woman that must have been in her 70's. I left room for Buddha and his belly this time. Though I am gonna say, she could move pretty well for being a few years away from plastic knees and hips. I think the highlight of the night is when there was a circle that formed and individuals decided that they should show off their best move while others observe and judge. There was some smooth moves going on, but then I was "called"(pushed) to the middle. I closed my eyes and just moved. The song was eventually drowned out by chants from the crowd saying "GO GRINGO, GO GRINGO...". I wasn't sure if they were trying to encourage my moves, or literally telling me to stop disgracing their culture and leave the club. I took a gamble and stayed. Ended up having a great time with the ability to salsa. Thank you Chilean women.

1 comment:

  1. B this made my day, and that was pretty hard to do with the rough time I've had today. I love your blog.
