Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Perfect Timing

Tonight after I had woken from my nap, my stomach took me out of bed and spoke with the voice from the thriller video. "BRIAN, GET A KEBAB". After my initial shock that my stomach had such an extensive vocabulary, I grabbed my new coat, scarf, ipod and wallet and hit the street. As soon as I stepped out of the door I regretted my decision. My face was growing icicles, my fingers felt like they recieved local anesthetics, but I had gone to far now. Momentum had taken ahold of me and nothing could bring me to a stop. 30 minutes of walking through a beautiful slightly windy town, I had reached my destination. It had been a trying journey, with a reward that would final put my stomach to rest. I was honestly getting tired of the "ARE WE THERE YET" comments(sorry parents if you have those kids, I feel your pain). The Kebab was mindblowing and the restraunt was warm.

It was on my way back to my roommates flat that I had an epiphany. There is no better time to practice for a music video then when walking late at night by yourself with headohones in. Putting on slow songs really can be life changing experiences. A song starts talking about being lonely and looking for love and now you are walking slowly looking back and forth like your loved one is popping out of the bushes. Try listening to Berlin-Take My Breathe Away. You will start dancing in the street and lip syncing at what looks like the top of your lungs. Of course, quick songs are fun, but the key is knowing the lyrics. The director will make you redo it if you mess up.

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