Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Heidelberg part zwei

It was today that I was supposed to depart from this glorious fairy tale town of Heidelberg, but instead decided that staying the rest of the week was the best idea possibly.

Brian, you are spending too much time in one spot, what are you thinking?

If any other question popped in your head like what does veggiemite taste like, or how many times have I tried to lick to the center of a tottsie roll pop, then you will not get the answer you looking for. If you were thinking of the above question, please read on.

Yes, I am in this town for an extended period of time. Yes I am overstaying my welcome. But I do this with pure heart and money in the eyes. The flat mates I have been living with for the past 4 days have really accepted me as one of their own and taken me under their wing showing me around and keeping me entertained. Why stop a good thing? Second, I am in no hurry to get to Italy, it is the end of the month I have to arrive so before February will work. Last and surely extremely important, my friend Patrick and I have decided to start our own travel facebook company. At this point if you are uninterested, please just go to youtube and start watching cute cats and horrible impersonators to be entertained, otherwise proceed at your own risk.

To have a true understanding of what we are doing, a story must be told. This story is not gonna be my slightly exaggerated everyday story, but a true to form explination. Patrick was at a glacier in Argentina when he was trying to find words to describe what he had feast his eyes upon. "This is a world...........thingie". He was so amazed by the site that he was trying to compare it to a world wonder but with a slightly better name.

Part two of the story was when Patrick and I were in Heidelberg castle and he had told me about his story. So before a picture i put my hands in a circle as if it were the world and he snapped it. From there the ideas flew and our company WorldThingie was invented. The idea is simple enough. We supply the means through facebook for people to post their favorite World Thingies that amaze them. We try not to have the usual magazine photoshopped images appear, but real ones that everyday people can submit from their travels and home town. The only catch is they need to be in the picture making the same sign. With this we are hoping to open the worlds eyes to more beauty and inspire travel.

At the moment, we are at very early stages of our company, but we will soon be making huge strides so everyone can take part in seeing WORLD THINGIES

Because you read this far, 76 times I have tried to lick to the center, but not once have I ever succeeded. DAMN YOU TOOTSIE ROLL POP!!!

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