Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Book Review

A common practice inside Hostels throughout the countries that have been graced with my presense is the use of a book exchange. I dont think I would have survived my first trip around Europe without it, and already I have put it to good use. Simple idea, there is a book shelf full of books, take and replace. I brought two books on my trip, the first a Bill Bryson book which is classic Bryson humor and fact. The second was my ego saying I could understand the concept of Concilience and grasp how all sciences in the world could be combined into one simple set of ideas. Einstien tried a unification theory for many years and never reached his promise land, but hey, maybe the average IQed kid from Arizona could wrap his mind around a theory that stumped Mr. Frizz (refereing to his hair and the fact I think he was married to the teacher in the magic school bus). After the first few chapters of what i call "boring" reading, i traded the book in for a book that looked quite interesting. Mike Birbiglia's Sleep Walk With Me and other painfully true stories". This book is full of great comic insights and anecdotes that at one point made me snort out a painful liquid, fanta if i remember correctly, out of my nose as i laughed. If you are looking for a book to read, go to Swiss Cottage hostel in London and look on the mantel for this book, or go to a library, which ever is easier.

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