Friday, January 28, 2011

Being Lost Can Help You Find

The other day, yesterday to be exact, I went on a mission to get lost inside what is now one of my top 5 places in the world. This humble little town is hard to actually get lost in due to the fact that isnt the biggest place, and there is a main street that is the artery of the town. I bobbled down the street as if a red blood cell, knocking into other cells(people) along the way. The direction I took was opposite of the main district. The "Rich" people lived over there. I guess they were kinda rich with there massive "Mansions" and lots full of "BMWs".

As I kept trying to walk off the beaten path, i stumbled upon a graveyard. I was about to walk past, but I remembered when I was in Athens and went to a graveyard there. It was beautful and meaningful at the same time. Sure I giggled a couple times when I saw the name Adolf, but for the most part it leaves quite a bit of self reflection to be done. Seeing proof of the inevitability of time happening and the fact we are not invincible helps to put perspective into quite a bit of the menial things that dont really matter. For example my fingers having frost bite due to the cold. Sure I "need" them do to "things", but time will take them eventually. My suggestion is for people to go to graveyards more. Sure to mourn your loses, but to be shown humility by elements of inevitibilty.

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