Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Official Date

If you were hoping to get juicy details of a steamy hot date I might have had...oops, someone was mislead. Instead I have just officially bought my ticket to Sardinia. I am taking the infamous RyanAirlines. Why infamous? simply put, because it is the cheapest airline, and for good reason. Boarding planes is more similar to cattle being hearded. Seat space is actually a joke they tell when informing you about the floating devices actually have lead in them. And worst of all, each sudoku in the magazines are always filled out. No wonder if you plan a couple weeks to months in advanced they are almost paying you to travel. Under CIA's top torture techniques Bush performed, flying prisoners RyanAir was right under water boarding and wake surfing. I digress.

The 30th of January is time for paradise and sweat. I have slightly kept in touch with my hosts and they say that there is an American "helpx'er" working with them so I will have a buddy during the time there. There are a few things I need to be scared of.
1. Does this s/he snore? I dont think I could live with an individual for 2 or 3 days, let alone months that snored like a plane was landing in our room.
2. Working out could be trouble. It will be so easy to eat, work, explore a little, eat, eat, nap, eat, then eat. Sure I burn calories when I eat, but exploring once in a while could just get me fat.
3. Yoga. I am scared of this because I do not know my own level of expertise. When the host woman teachers her class and I take part, am I gonna be the American that is "TRYING" to do the poses but really looks more like an interprtive dancer froozen.
4. Visa's. This is an actual fright because I am figuring out at the moment what options I have, and what needs to be done to stay the longest. Good luck to me.

I am hoping to be post quite a bit more. So feedback is always very much welcome. Just dont be too harsh, my fragile ego can only take so much.

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