Monday, January 17, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Gloom

The past couple days on this island off to the side of Europe was quite nice. Overcast but warm enough weather that a light jacket was good enough. Today though was the true London experience when the drizzle started to fall and the wind started to chill. I woke up this morning saying to myself, I am just gonna wander through the city using the two feet my momma gave me. As I walked outside completely ill dressed for this weather my mind was easily conviced to change plans to use the subway system free of rain drops and abundant in funny smells.

Today's journey was more of a feeling out the city to get a good vibe/aura from the city. In doing so I was able to analyze and ponder what this city was all about and this is what I came up with.

I have a theory about how Londoners use fashion. They must be afraid that if they did not dress as gloomy as the clouds above, then the cloud gods will cause a drought. I was absolutely amazed walking around the city the past couple days that there are 4 reacurring colors that make up the cities wardrobe; gray, dark blue, dark green, and black. I dont know if you notice the pattern that occurs, but all of these colors scream nuetral. It was the very infrequent tourist(me) that would wear bright reds and blues. I mock this London attire, but in reality I have never seen such well dressed individuals. As I walked the business districts, theatre districts and back alleys, each person is repping their own style and fashion uniquely and with much class. I have learned that fashion doesnt mean sticking out like a soar thumb, but to appease the climate gods to which you are honoring.

Food here is a prideful thing. I swore to myself after I got sick in Loas after eatting a street vendors delicious chicken that never again will I experiement with vendors. Today my will was tested and broken at the site of street vendors selling belgium waffles. The aroma of toasty sugar and sight of colorful toppings was making saliva form and the stomach to start talking to me in the language each person has with their stomach. Strawberry is just the most classic topping there is. After the first bite the taste buds interupted my stomach and decided to thank me for introducing them to this bliss. I digress. with over 4500 pubs and even more restaurants, tables are packed and love for food is filling the air. I have a feeling 9/10 places I would frequent I would probably claim to be a best meal ever.

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