Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day X

The day has come for my travel marathon to begin. But I do not think it fair to call what I am doing traveling. I will, for all intents and purposes, be relocating to a new spot to call home. Just because it is in a foreign land with a foreign language and lots of wine doesnt make it any less of a move then if i were to move to another state. But i ramble.

The purpose of todays rant is for the future back packers and the inquisitive minds. Items to bring and not to bring to maximize pleasure and minimize head ache.

1. THERE IS A THING AS TO MUCH UNDERWEAR.  I was over zealous with my plethora of underwear during my first europe trip. I found that space and weight can be saved by packing about a weeks worth.

2. NO PHONE. While in Australia I was phoneless for the whole duration of my trip. I never felt so free and unleashed. Sure there were times when I would just say to myself "man how bad do I wanna txt the joke of the day hotline", but temptation fades when its out of sight out of mind. I am semi cheating though. I will be equipped with a itouch. With skype and facetime, i will be able to video chat to the whole world of my contacts. hint hint, if you want to talk to me, friend me on skype...

3. DONT BRING ALOT OF CLOTHES IN GENERAL. When you get to the destination of choice, chances are you will be tempted by the fruits of the markets and the clothes of the street vendors. So far I have not gotten sick from either.

4. BUILD THE CONFIDENCE TO HAVE SOMEONE TAKE A PICTURE OF YOU. You dont wanna be "that american" that does the silly poses that would be great on facebook, but doing the act in front of the locals and other tourists is just making you sweat bullets.  Its ok, you have the right to be there and no people will be more jealous than anything that you just pushed the leaning tower of pisa over.

There are many more "important" tips like keeping money safe or book ahead of time, but that is just overrated. Stick to these simple rules and you will have the best wardrobe and pics ever.

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