Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Uncertainty my muse, Italy my canvas.

Roll with the punches, go with the flow, use any kind of cliche to describe how I will be going about my travel. The #1 question when someone has learned of my decision is, "Why?". That is a fantastic question, and I will tell you when I find out myself. But at the moment there are a few different answers that rattle around in my head that contribute to a "sound" reasoning.
1. Why not (pretty mind blowing answer)
2. Nothing holding me down in the States
3. I loved Italy when I visited it last
4. Desk jobs just aint for me.
5. I feel most alive when faced with foreign challenges alone.

These are just a few of the reasons that I could spew out on a whim. The #2 question is "what are you doing over there?". Again, what an excellent question. At the moment, contrary to what my default personality would have me do, I have made prior plans before I have even set foot in Europe. Most times my idea that "it'll work out" would suffice, but this time I thought, maybe get my feet wet first, then get travel cocky. My first job will be to find my way from London to Sardinia meanwhile seeing friends along the way. But as I set foot in Bosa, Sardinia I will be on an olive farmer working for a wonderful couple. They will supply me with room and board and a meal per day, in exchange I will do 4 to 5 hours of work on their farm doing what they ask. This is as far as the plan has gone. Their are whispers in my mind of possible paths to take after this, but not loud enough for me to post.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who has to ask why will never understand anyways....... don't waste your time with such silly questions....
