Sunday, January 16, 2011

He Aint Heavy, He's My Brother

Often times on my trip my ability to make a connection with a computer will be limited, so my ability to be an everyday blogger will be impossible. But I will do my best.

When I left you last, I was recovering from a long day in Atlanta at my brothers house in Durham. The ground was icy and the wind definitely bit you. It is 180 degrees different than what I am use to, but it was refreshingly fun and different. I was able to get a good look at a southern plantation, got some good ole southern food and played with their most adorable dog. It was a good two days that helped me slowly deal with the inevitable time change that was about to take place. Sure it is only 2 hours earlier than my town but when you are in the 7 or 8 hour change area, then every little bit helps.

 It was another long day of spreading the wings and taking flight on the 14th. Being dropped off around 9 in the morning North Carolina time, I was in the air/airport for 20 consecutive hours. Not excatly my favorite way to spend the day. But no one gets a free lunch, right?Its all water under the bridge? 1 bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush? Not sure if any of these apply to anything, but oh well...

Yes, I have made it, and yes we beat the Brits in our revolutionary war and they are still a lil peeved about it. Get over yourselves. I get ahead of myself., I got into London at 10ish AM without sleeping at all. When Dodgeball is a free movie to watch, there is no way to pass up such greatness. "No one makes me bleed my own blood", classic Ben Stiller. I got through immigration easy enough and got luggage and found my way to the hostel easily too. Compared to the Europe trip I did last time, this went by 5000 times easier. I met upwith my friend Gen for a tour of the city. We joke about how horrible a tour guide she was, but in reeality I saw things and heard facts I am not sure I would find on my own. We saw the Globe theatre, saw the real London Bridge(Americans think the tower bridge is actually the London bridge. Silly, I know). Went to a couple great reastuarants, took a 2 hour tour about Jack the Ripper around the city, saw the change of the guards, shopped a lil, and played pool. for the first and second day outta the country, I think I am doing just fine.
Thanks Gen

1 comment:

  1. Anytime Bri, but you did leave out that your guide took you on a back and forth journey of the city where every meal you ate was a surprise and you discovered a little something about your speech habits. I can't wait to read about the next instalment in your journey of self discovery and hope that I get to join you on it again at later stage. Take care and laugh heaps!
