Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lost In Translation

Two days have past between blog posts and much has happened since. The last time I left you I was in Berlin eating snow and freezing my tooshy(pg word) off. Today I am comfortably in Heidelberg with my friend Patrick. But as you have noticed, the destinations only account for a small portion of the experience, the stories created on the way is the suprise custard inside a donut that makes you do a leprechaun heel knock.

Saturday morning was my first look at the German train system. I had been all around Europe on trains, planes, and boats, but for some reason my fatherland had not been a point to visit. I had huge expectations for "my peoples". The night before I had bought a ticket that did not specify exactly where a seat was. If you can take that last sentance and add it to the title of the post, then you will have a pretty good understanding of what was to come. The algerba equation I learned in 8th grade was A + B = Awkward situation(maybe thats why I didnt do well in Algerba?). I take my seat and settle in with my head phones on and my eyes shut. My seat mate was a German fellow that was very interested in his TPS reports or something, he couldnt be bothered with the American. 1 hour into the ride I was uncomfortably leaning against the window with eyes shut and my mind concerned with what super hero power I would like to have. Increase someones gravity at any given time? Think about the humor you can bring. As my mind was turning my shoulder was tapped gently. But no matter how soft a tap is, when you have your mind deep in thought, you will react like you just got de-pantsed.
After I checked to make sure I still had my pants on, I looked up to an elderly man pointing at me and speaking German. There was a single word that I took out of the many he blurted out and it sounded like "Sniztel". Of course he must be talking about Weinersniztel, the great American restaurant. I instantly start getting excited, I love hotdogs. So a few moments pass with me looking at him salivating with a grin for hope he has one for me. He is points to me, to his ticket then to himself. Hmmm...what is he trying to say? "AHH i get it, you want to tell me how to make a good hotdog, and the ticket is the bun." He is getting more vibrant with his words and voice. I am sure everyone should know his secret cooking of the dogs, but it is a bit uncomfortable. I finally get up, grab my stuff and start heading for the kitchen. He slithers into my seat with an expression of exhaust.
Wait, so he took my seat, what is happening here? I look around and there doesnt seem to be any avaliable seats. I give him a look which is synonymous with touche. As I was so concentrated with my super hero powers the conductor played a massive game of musical chairs without telling me, and I had just been bamboozeled out of my seat. I look once more and there is an open seat. Mr. conductor, you forgot to take out the bolted down seat.

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