Friday, January 21, 2011

Note To Self

As the title foreshadows, this is a reference guide to myself for when I decided to travel again. Faithful bloggees(not the most charming name, sorry) might bring use out of my recent lessons learned, cause Yahweh knows I will need reminding.

Bring more then one pair of comfortable pants with holes in them when traveling outside of Arizona. Sure you think its a good idea with it being "the look" and what have you. Dont be fooled fellow Arizonans, winter outside of our borders actually means WINTER. It didnt take me very long to realiye this fact. It started when I saw my brother in North Carolina and I saw what looked like white stuff covering the ground. He informed me the scientific term for this substance is "snow". Being a foreigner to all that is cold, I was intrigued yet terrified. It was cold out for this percipitation to occur, but it was still bearable to walk in. What if it gets colder? To my complete and utter amazement, my fears had come true. When arriving in London, the near freezing breeze with the drizzled rain made walking about something of a task. Task would probably be a light term for what it was. It was a more a dreadful curse. But good company, Liz, Alex, Hannah and Gen took my mind off the chore.
This all brings me to why I have chosen this specific topic today. I thought I could grasp the understanding of cold since I had seen "snow" and "London". What could be colder? Alaska, possibly. Antarctica, maybe. Yet I was bedazzeled once again. Berlin I found out is colder yet, and mind blowingly not the coldest spot in the world(I can hear Arizonans gasp in disbelievement). This morning as I was deciding what to do with my day I put on my holey jeans, a few layers and debated in my head if a 3 1/2 hour walking tour would be beneficial to my attempt at worldlyness(real word?). Walking into the ether of cold was something of a shock. Similar to the feeling you get when a friend dares you to jump in the pool first with out telling you it is not heated. Oh yea, and it is winter in Antarctica. This "snow" stuff was falling at a slow rate. I had seen the snow, now I wanted to taste it and discover the true nature of it. So as I close my eyes, lean my head back and put out my tongue, with out me knowing, the population of Germans around me make a 30 foot perimiter in preperation for a massive sneeze that they are sure will bring back some form of the plague. As I close my mouth and hazmat team is about to tackle me they realize it is just an Arizonan.

I guess the moral of the story is "Bring 2 pairs of jeans"!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mohahaha- "realiye" yet another hapless victim of ze German keyboard!
