Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today I arrived in the lovely city of Alghero. My bus at 2:30 arrived in the airport on time. The plane left right as it said it would. It had even landed half an hour earlier then we expected. Things are going pretty right. The only slip up that took place was trying to get a bus ticket to Bosa. The very nice Italian information desk man bamboozled me. I admit he got me good. He gave confusing directions on how I would get there and pointed at a little green box machine that gave out "tickets" to those who give it offerings from their wallet. I drain 8 euros into this machine due to the fact it says the bus to Bosa is 8 euros. I press the "give me my ticket foo" button and nothing happens. I can't say nothing happened, it said please feed me more money, I am hungry. No I will not green box eater. I head to the bamboozler and say "good sir, your machine happened to swallow in 8 bites 8 euros." And his reaction is "but of course, that machine is broken, it is beat to pay the bus driver". He turns and goes into his dark office. Bamboozled.

After that though it was smooth sailing. I walked outside and I couldn't believe it, I didn't need my coat anymore. 15 degrees Celsius(~60f) and sunny. A stark stark contrast to the below zero temperatures I was experience in Germany.
Taking the bus into town I was able to get a good feeling of how the nature and towns co-existed harmoniously. To compare, I would say it is half Roman, half Greek, half Jamaican. If my math adds up correctly, that is 150% beautiful.
The Italians though are gonna have to make up for what a couple of their youths had just done. In the middle of my writing I found myself hungry for something Italian. What's more Italian then a panini. I order, grazie, prego, 4 euros, on my way. As I walk out. Two youths not older then 16 look at me then feast their eyes upon my shoes. They didn't stop looking even as I walked right by them. I felt like the Italian shoe mob was trying to intimidate me. "you sure you wanna wear those shoes buddy" is what they said with their eyes. What fool, I am ready to play basketball at any second, are you? Is what I wanted to say, instead I sat down at my panini self-consciencely and decided to blast them on my blog behind their back. Take that tweens.  

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