Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines day

A couple days ago was what us Americans call Valentine’s day. From what I can see, the US is the largest over exaggerator of this holiday. As I walked around on this lovers holiday I had noticed not much had changed on the streets of Bosa. The only thing I really saw that gives tribute to V day was a petit shop that had one window display with maybe 10 different assorted stuffed animals holding hearts. The shop owner was taking down the display on that night. This tells me she either has not sold a single thing, OR she gives way to much credit to the guys celebrating this holiday and won’t think last minute gifts will happen. Either way, a ballsy move I can stand behind. The lovers of the world do not need to be told to be romantic. Let me prove the passion with an example. My host family consists of a man and a woman. Check. They know each other. Check. We are on our way to steamy lovers. On valentine’s day he gave her a gardening rake for her to use in the garden. Stop with all the romance already. Too much to handle.
My personal belief is to not indulge in holidays that I do not actually hold dear to my heart or beliefs. Holidays like Labor Day(I don’t like labor) or Presidents day(I was never a president) I just can’t get into. To add on top of that, most holidays these days are all about drinking. St. Patrick’s day has become a day of let’s see how fast I can puke. Because the saint was Irish the men and women of the world suddenly think that Irish doesn’t mean spiritual, but to consume some spirits. There is one holiday that I break my rule for; Thanksgiving. This holiday tastes way to good for me to not take part in. The inner struggle how the white man treated Native Americans still sickens me today. But on that day I think my tummy wins the tug of war match.

Moral of the story, If it is raining cats and dogs, just be glad it’s not elephants.

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