Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let It Burn...

There is one thing world wide that posses me off. When I tell someone where I am from the conversation goes a little something like this. 

A-hole: where are you from
Brian: Arizona.
A: it is pretty hot there huh
B: ohh yea, it gets to 115 or 45 during summers. 
A: ohh but that's a dry heat huh? it's not a humid heat at least

It is at this point where I really want to go crazy on the person. Are you telling me that humid heat where you breathe in a gallon of water every breathe is harder then dry heat breathing out a gallon of water? The only time someone loses more water is when they go to the little boys/girls room to relieve their stress. So mr./mrs. humidity Nazi, next time go hiking in the Arizona desert without water among the killer diamond backs, the flesh hungry cougars, and skittish but crazy eyed coyotes. See if you can survive 2 hours then tell me how easy dry heat is.

On a lighter note, everyday I smell like a barbecue. Our job consists of cutting limbs and burning them. With the wind playing a game of guess what direction I am gonna blow now, it is impossible to dodge the smoke. Luckily, Kurt is the pyromanic every ranch should have. His solution to most everything is fire. Big bush in our way, burn it. Lots of bugs out, burn em. Got an itch on your butt, where is the lighter. The only problem with this is when I have done a good 4 hours of pulling and cutting vines out of trees, he comes by and burns the tree down and claims the tree was asking him to do it. I either want his tree whisper ability, or some kinda forewarning of the path of his wrath. It is straight demoralizing having done so much work with scratches and blood everywhere for a lighter to do 5 minutes of work to erase all that was done. 

Moral of the story, if you cNt run faster then the bear, turn around and fight it.

1 comment:

  1. Noooot really sure where the moral of the story ties in to this... but ok!

    And just to piss you off a tad more, I like dry heat better than humid, mmk?
