Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here We Go Again

Today unfortunelty was a worse day for me. In a race between me and the cold, it is the hare and I the turtle. But in this race the turtle fell on his shell and cant get up(ninja turtles?). But still I went to the farm and did what I could at half alive. They are not giving me food and shelter to sit in bed all day. As Kurt cut branches I became the pyro apprentice. At times the fire I created was blazing to Lucifers satisfaction, other times it was wussy and kinda smoldered a little. 3 or 4 hours of this was not the easiest thing to do with whatnot dripping from my nose and eyes pounding out of my head. You know the feeling, we have all been there. So lets rewind to the day I did not feel like writing this. It was quite eventful and productive. The first half of the morning was spent working outside as we usually do. The afternoon was driving and errands time. Thanks to Micheal I am now able to write on a “full” sized computer(10 in ASUS).
Let me start at the beginning of our road trip. Micheal told me that we were gonna be driving to Alghero and a little past it. But instead of the same path I took from my bus ride, we are gonna take the coastal path. His claim is that this is the most beautiful drive in the Mediterranean. I havent been on any other drives on the Med so I am gonna have to take his world for it. Plus from my gaze, it was pretty amazingly beautiful. During the summer the olive trees dont need any maintenance, so Micheal gives free lace tours of Sardinia. So during our drive he gives me bits of information that turns out to be quite interesting. There is a man that lives in a cave just off the road. He has a solar panel and everything, must be a rather luxurious cave? They have griffins in Sardinia. Now when I head this I said WHAAA? MY HIGH SCHOOL MASCOT EXISTS? Turns out it is called a Griffin Vulture. Its wing span can be as wide at 10 feet. WTF? They have mountian men that actually band together and live in small communities like robin hood and his merry men. Except Little John takes from the rich and then keeps it and shows his buddies. Micheal tells me they are really warm hearted though. Sure…
My entire goal for driving an hour to a large city was to buy a small computer that I can put my pictures on, easily blog, and maybe facebook a little. Found a great deal for something not very strong or impressive. No real need. The big decision I had to make was what language to make my computer. And without thinking of the concequences of putting it in Italian I had already said do it to it. My entire idea is that now I HAVE TO learn.

Moral of the story, eat dessert before dinner, during dinner and after dinner…actually just get rid of dinner

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