Monday, February 14, 2011


This is a thank you to my parents. But before we get to the true gratitude, let me show what brought this on. As you know I am staying with a family of four; the mother, the father, older son and younger daughter. We have been at their house long enough that they no longer treat us as guests and will openly yell at their children, as parents that need to should. The brunt of the parental force goes to Orlando, the 13 year old. He is a nice and gentle kid. The problem his parents are having is his lack of enthusiasm for school. No matter what they try they cannot get him to care about doing grades. Silvia says she is just so tired of chasing down after him making him do the work. It looks exhausting.
I have already called my mom to tell her thanks and that I understand. I once was Orlando. School was secondary(maybe third or fourth) too everything else. They got on my case on a daily basis. Many nights we had to have talks about me caring about what I did in school. It wasn’t until junior year of college that I was actually reading the textbooks and excited to learn something new. But it wasn’t until now when I see a parent struggling the way my parents must have that I can appreciate it. I know that karma will also come back to bite me when I have children. One of my kids will be the same way and my parents will laugh.
So the moral of this story is I love you and thank you mom and dad for caring and sticking with me till I found my enthusiasm. As someone has recently reminded me, I wouldn’t be where I am today without the path I took, and that includes you guys.

All the other readers, go hug your parents…

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