Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big Wheels Rollin

As I mentioned, my years of experience in the picking of weeds was well utilized. The garden now looks like an oasis of dirt clogs and mud pies. Ripe for the making of greeneries and other vegetables that are have different pigment. It was a day to put the feet up and take a nice tea. NOPE. It seems that my host family got their hands on the previously mentioned résumé. Right under “Weed Picking Enthusiast” is listed “Wheel Burrowing State Champ: 3 years running”. Before I left my trip, I was known for taking trips to Phoenix to practice my wheel burrowing skills and my sister’s house. She needed 100 million ton of rock and sand moved. It seemed the opportunity to improve my abilities had fallen into my lap just in time. Fast forward to today when my feet were about to be planted on the couch. Michael stops me mid swing and tells me of the group project of the day. We are putting up the perimeter fence. Ok, this can’t be that bad, right? We just have to put some posts in the ground, some fence, drink a beer and go home. Not quite. There was on step that I didn’t think of. Cement. Michael has a machine that mixes the cement perfectly. But he needed a mule to wheel it around. Don’t be fooled by “around”, his land is not round, it is a mountain slope. My 3 year championship wheel burrowing and 100 million tons of rock and sand came handy. I think I had to take 10 loads of cement up and down Everest. “10? That’s it?” Considering that walking up once will nearly give you a heart attack, pushing up a full dish of mud pushes you inches from pushing daisies. I hope they don’t see the rest of résumé. I think “Hole Digging” was next.

Moral of the story,  if someone ever says “smell this”, don’t, it probably isn’t good…

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