Saturday, February 19, 2011

Doing Work

For the past few days I have been delegated to work in the garden. Some of you could be saying, “haha Brian is working at an olive garden. Hilarious.” Stop it, you aren’t funny. The family has a garden that they try to maintain. Most of Silvia’s great dishes have some kind of herb would usually be found in her garden. Unfortunately , due to the work load that 2 parents have with kids and everything, the garden has been neglected. So it was my job to use my 24 years of weed pulling experience that my parents have blessed me with. It was quite an ordeal for someone of my limited back flexibility. About 10 minutes into bending down and kneeling over my back was feeling the little knifes playing with my lower spine. I have been tormented with work like this before while in Arizona. The job needed to be done and I had the most experience. Though I don’t know how heavily employers would weigh it on a résumé. “Brian has a little customer service experience. Good. He says he is nearly an expert in weed pulling. Hire him!” I can only hope.
During the very last run of weed pulling, Silvia came to my aid and decided to pull with me. As people that can communicate do, we talked. She asked about my love life, my decision for coming to Italy, whether hair was better up or down. After my short interview I got to ask something I was curious of for a while. Is my hair better up or down? Then I asked the secondary question, “what are next jobs we have after the orchard is done?” The list wasn’t long, but the jobs were not going to be half day jobs either. 1. They have a tepee that that they want to build a wooden stand for. 2. Build a platform for Silvia to teach yoga classes on overlooking the sunset. 3. Make a fence around his perimeter so the dogs don’t get out. 4. Build 2 additions onto their house. A small bedroom for the children. At the moment, the house is a bit small. 1 bathroom, a kitchen, and a bedroom with the kids in a bunk bed and the parents in what would be the attic. These are the bigger projects that need to be done. Other little ones along the way will be found as well.

Moral of the story, a happy wife makes a happy husband. Unless you are gay, then you are just happy.

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