Monday, February 28, 2011

Free Me Of These Shackles...

I beat the résumé theme into the ground already, let’s try a different route.
I have come up with a theory about parents and children. Two adults find one another and create a loving bond. They eventually get married. Then behind closed doors they make a verbal agreement to turn their children into their own personal slaves. Through this pact, they push their kids into doing tasks such as wheel burrowing and pulling weeds(bringing it full circle). My parents thought that a specific skill set that would be necessary to learn is rock moving. I was trained in the art of moving small rock that you shovel up to picking up 100 ton boulders on my back and placing them in precarious spots, and everything in between. A popular one at the Halbach household is placing river rock in the shape of a winding river to make it look oh so pretty. My theory continues with what happens when the skills are acquired. Before internet or telephones were ever developed, parents told every other parent in the world what their child was capable of. The agreement then extends to every parent in the world that their child can be used at their discretion. I came up with this theory because it would seem the Zipp parents were told by my parents that I could do all three of these specific jobs. After the wheel burrowing and weed pulling, Michael has me help rebuild his stone wall. Him and Kurt were putting up wire fencing, I come behind them and rebuild the broken wall with large and small rocks. Sometimes I am running all over the mountain to find rocks that are suitable. I can’t quite figure out how the parents get the message out, but I know I will invoke that power when the time comes.

Moral of the story, if you cant lead the horse to water, then it is just not thirsty.

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