Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh Hi, Didn't See You There

For the past couple days my parents and I have been keeping in touch via Skype about their trip to Italy. The first half of their trip will be spent with a couple of long time friends of the family. Starting in Rome and taking off to Tuscany. Their house in Tucson is heavily influenced by Tuscan culture. Turns out when they were deciding to live in the world they spun the globe blindly pointed at a spot. It was Tuscany. My mom didn’t have her glasses on and mistook a couple letters and that’s how we ended up in Tucson. When my dad found out about this tiny mistake he figured that he might as well make a house like a Tuscan Villa. For 6 days they are taking refuge in a Villa about 25 minutes outside of Florence. It is at this point I am going to fly to Florence and say hi to mom and dad. If you have asked me about my world favorite spots, I am sure I have mentioned Florence in there. We are heading to Cinque Terra and Venice after that. Impeccable skills of persuasion comparable to “the force” has convinced my parents that Istanbul is amazing. It too is on my list of beautiful cities in the world. From there it is slightly up in the air where we are going after, but I think it might be the most beautiful country I have been in; Switzerland. There is something so magical about the countryside and the alps. At that point I will be taking my leave and heading back to work. There is going to be plenty of work to be done at the Zipp house. But everyone needs a break from holiday.

Moral of the story, too much of a good thing is a good thing + a good thing.


  1. Looooove how they found where they wanted to live. OMG!

  2. What rhymes with "ullible" and starts with a "G"...WTF!!!
