Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dice Cut STAB

The Zipp family has finally had enough. They have all taken it upon themselves to teach me Italian. I have a very unique gift for taking a large knife and butchering a beautiful language. After 2 weeks of some mumbles and awkward encounters the lessons have commenced. Before I left I was under the impression that if I immersed myself into a culture, then I would be able learn through osmosis. I was sure that by hearing it enough that my brain would flip a switch to Italian. For those who have the same natural talent of not learning language easily, do not assume what I did. Like the saying goes, by assuming you make an ass of u and…no pretty much just you(I think that’s how the saying goes). Luckily for me I get to start past 1st grade. My knowledge of how to say my name and counting from 1 to 10 has be graduating to level 2. The biggest problems I have is of course my lack of vocabulary and the horror of the romance languages; conjugating verbs. This is what I was hoping would just come naturally to me. Sure if I listen to the jibberish enough the endings of actions will cemented in my head. I am taking a different route to achieve my goal. Something I thought I was done with in the 3rd grade; writing out words hundreds of times. As I started writing out the conjugation of “I am”, essere, I was getting post dramatic stress from the long nights of writing out words like couch and coach 500 times. THEY ARE SO SIMILAR. This time around though I am thinking about what I am doing and have got grammatical lessons along the way.
To go along with the language lessons, Nihima is taking English classes as well. So my goal is to be better at Italian by the time I leave then she is in English, ever. What can I say, I aim for the stars.

Moral of the story, if you aim for the stars, there are enough that if you just point up you will probably hit one.

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