Friday, February 4, 2011

How Could You...

Obstacles are a large part of traveling. A bigger part is beating these obstacles. No it's not as intense as American gladiators, or real gladiators, but can be just as devastating. Traveling obstacles are slightly different then living in a foreign country obstacle. Let me take you through what I mean.
1. Local judgement. As I have mentioned before, I was being judges solely on my shoes and little else. I walked down a street is what I thought was a "fly" get up, when two Italian lovers where walking in front of me. Without looking at any other part of my body besides my feet, they started laughing uncontrollably. I don't take kindly to public pressure, but due to the fact I don't want to be the ignorant not well dressed American, I had to buy some shoes. Now I am just the ignorant American! Problem solved.
Auto correct. This isn't so much a travel problem as it is a posting blog problem. I have to work on my itouch, so as one of it's many features, it autocorrects words it thinks I misspell. It turns out I misspell quite a bit so it gives it's own interpretation to my blog. A feature I was not told of.
3. Speaking the language. I think that of course that is a kinda a barrier everyone knows, but no one really gets until they are there and wanna ask someone "yo foo, can you point me to the closest brothel?". Luckily for me, I am slowly learning Italian but yet do not know the term for brothel. Cant win em all.
Speaking the language part II. I list this twice cause it is difficult even when you know a few basic things by heart to go to someone your age to try to make a friend. At the moment I can say, good evening, how are you, I have spoon. I am not a friend psychologist or an architect, but I think bonds need to be built by more then a castle of spoons.
4. Clothes. When traveling, having the same clothes is no big deal because you move from one place to another without anyone noticing the frequency of recycled shirts. That all changes when you live out of your backpack for a few months in the same place. Luckily my savior is my jacket that I wear. By not revealing one if my 6 shirts, I will not have the feeling of judging eyes.

These are just a few of my trials and tribulations. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them. I am relieved when I get one knowing I have at least 1 reader.

Moral of the story, tip your waiter 20%, if you don't they will find you.

Sweet dreams 

1 comment:

  1. you make me smile a lot with the things you write!
    we told you about your shoes though...
